Congress, despite a government shutdown, has a sleep apnea bill ready for the President’s signature. While the trucking industry estimates that “the impact of screening, diagnosis, and treatment for obstructive sleep apnea could exceed $1 billion annually.” The industry failed to mention that $1 billion annually is a bargain compared to the death, carnage, and
Swift Trucking Sanctioned Again for Destroying Evidence
Swift, like many trucking companies, has a history of destroying evidence that shows they were at fault for a wreck. I have posted on this previously. That is one of the reasons it is important to hire a lawyer as soon as possible when you have a trucking case.
Recently, in an Arkansas case, the trial…
Do You Know Your FMCSR Violations?
One of the the requirements of every trucking company before they put a truck on the road, and every truck driver before they get behind the wheel of a tractor trailer, is that they both must agree to follow the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations. These are the regulations that keep us, the public, safe on…
At Least One in Five Trucks UNSAFE According to Recent RoadCheck Inspections
The June 2012 Roadcheck results are out and they showed that more than 1 in every 5 trucks inspected were placed out of service (OOS). That means the trucks were taken off the road as unsafe, even though this was a pre-announced inspection.
The trucking industry knew about Roadcheck for months, as did I, and…
How to Report an Unsafe Trucking Company to the Department of Transportation
Truck drivers often ask me how to report motor carriers that require them to drive over hours, with unsafe equipment, and in violation of one or more of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations. I had just such a call yesterday, regarding a Florida company, from a driver.
The FMCSA understands how tricky this is…
Truck Drivers Entitled to Workers Compensation Benefits for Lung and Bladder Cancer
In my prior post I discussed that WHO has proven a link between lung and bladder cancer and diesel fumes. What does this mean for drivers? It means you are entitled to workers compensation benefits if you have these conditions and can prove long term exposure to diesel fumes.
Drivers can count on the trucking company they…
The Future of Trucking – Legislation and Regulations in 2012
I have been working on a number of cases recently that have been very time consuming and have not been able to update this blog as much as I would like. My clients come first so no apologies, but I hope you find this update to be useful. This is my best guess as to what will impact safety…
While trucking companies acknowledge that hair tests show a much higher number of drivers with drug problems than conventional drug testing, most still don’t use this modern and efficient test.
C.R. England, a large national trucking company, found when it switched to hair tests for drugs that the positive rate for drivers shot up to from 2.8%…
1 in 4 Trucks in Texas Unsafe and Shouldn’t Be On the Roads!
Roadcheck was in June and results are starting to be reported. So how did Texas do? On an ANNOUNCED inspection OVER 1 in 4 trucks was deemed to be so unsafe they were told to stop operating until they fixed a safety issue. The reported numbers from KMOO can be found HERE . The article stated in…
Truck Underride Wrecks Preventable – New Article in TrialNews
Truck underride guards often fail, study says
Courtney L. Davenport May 5, 2011
Underride guards on the backs of large trucks frequently fail to prevent a passenger vehicle from sliding under a truck during a collision, according to a report issued last month by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS).
“Hitting the