While trucking companies acknowledge that hair tests show a much higher number of drivers with drug problems than conventional drug testing, most still don’t use this modern and efficient test.

C.R. England, a large national trucking company, found when it switched to hair tests for drugs that the positive rate for drivers shot up to from 2.8%

The American Association for Justice is the worlds largest organization of lawyers representing the injured in America. At their recent meeting in San Francisco, I was elected chair of the Interstate Trucking Litigation Group. This group is responsible for pushing for safety issues (those acts that can be taken by trucking companies to prevent wrecks) and for

Often trucking companies hire allegedly "independent " contractors to work for them and claim they have no responsibility for their actions. They deny they have to provide insurance coverage or that they need to accept any responsibility for these drivers and the poorly maintained tractor trailers they place on the road. DON’T FALL FOR IT!