I have blogged numerous times since 2007 about the horrible safety levels of our nation’s trucking fleet as documented in the annual Roadcheck Safety Inspections. In Roadcheck, the Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) teams with state inspectors and they check more trucks on the road than normal. They announce the inspection dates months in advance so all the
Unsafe Trucks
1 in 4 Trucks in Texas Unsafe and Shouldn’t Be On the Roads!
By Morgan Adams on
Roadcheck was in June and results are starting to be reported. So how did Texas do? On an ANNOUNCED inspection OVER 1 in 4 trucks was deemed to be so unsafe they were told to stop operating until they fixed a safety issue. The reported numbers from KMOO can be found HERE . The article stated in…
By Morgan Adams on
Posted in Roadcheck
The 2011 Roadcheck is underway. This is the pre-announced "high inspection rate" period for tractor trailers. Over these few days almost 2% of the tractor trailers on the road have a chance of getting inspected. Despite being woefully inadequate, this is almost double the normal rate of daily inspections. This is when the smart unsafe truckers take…