The FMCSA just issued its final rule on Electric On Board Recorders (EOBR’s) which replace paper driver logs. Paper logs are often called comic books in the industry because the contents are so funny, because they are so false. A switch to EOBR’s will try to eliminate this known problem in the trucking industry. The full text of

Schneider has replaced 1/4 of its fleets’ computers to allow for EOBR’s and better navigation. The replacements began in October of 2009 and Schneider is reportedly installing Qualcomm MCP200 units. The units allow cellular, Wi-Fi, and Internet connections for the driver.

I have discussed the hours of service regulations extensively in prior posts. It is my position, and I believe most non-industry safety professional that drivers are on the road too many hours of the day, resulting in needless and preventable accidents.

The FMCSA has sent the new HOS rule to the White House for review.

EOBR’s (Electric On Board Recorder’s) have been the subject of earlier posts and on the whole are a step forward for safety. EOBR’s can be very beneficial in ensuring tired truckers are not allowed on the roads in violation of the law. Unfortunately there are ways to "fix" the EOBR’s to allow violations of the FMCSR

Electronic On Board Recorders (EOBR’s) have been touted as the best way to eliminate chronic Hours of Service (HOS) violations which lead to fatigue, a major cause of trucking collisions. For example on Aug 9, 2007 the Chattanooga Times reported that in an Atlanta collision which killed 4, the driver state "he had fallen asleep at the