A recent case will have significant impact on truck accident attorneys and lawyers litigating insurance coverage in trucking cases. In Carolina Casualty v. Yeates, 584 F.3d 868 (10th Cir. 2009) (en banc), the court held that the MCS-90 Endorsement applies as surety coverage when the underlying insurance policy to which it is attached provides no coverage
Does the MCS-90 Form Need To Be Attached to the Insurance Policy?
The MCS-90 endorsement should be read into every interstate trucking policy, even if not attached. However, in order for the MCS-90 policy to to be found to be read into an insurance policy, when it was not specifically made part of the policy, you need to hire an experienced truck accident attorney from the beginning. What makes me say that? Take a…
FMCSR 387.15 – The MCS-90 Form and Interpretation
“Insurance Coverage” “FMCSR 387.15”…
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MCS-90 Insurance Forms
The International Risk Management Institute states that:
"The MCS-90 endorsement is a highly misunderstood and increasingly often litigated one-page endorsement required by the Motor Carrier Act of 1980 to be attached to insurance policies covering auto liability exposures of certain types of businesses. Its purpose is to certify that the insured maintains a minimum level…